The worm who can fly
Written & Illustrated by

Written & Illustrated by
Rolly the worm wants to do something worms can't That did not stop him from trying. The story is about an earthworm who tries different ways to get into the air.
With determination and help from others, he could fly; it just didn't happen the way most would expect.
An encouraging book for children to teach them that they should have dreams and that it is possible to make them come true. The message also includes that being different and wanting something outside the box shouldn't stop them from believing.
Two very different friends help each other find their talents. Bella, the pig, discovers she's a cleaning machine, and the shy sheep, Mike, has a hidden talent that Bella helps bring out.
Their friendship and support of each other shined and changed the minds of others.
Norman, the sloth, has been told his whole life that he is a slow poke. One day, he saw a car racing competition, and that got his heart pounding. The slow sloth wanted to go fast.
With some help from his best friend Gail, the quick and jumpy rabbit, and others, he was able to make his dreams come true.
Vanessa the chicken was told never to cross the road. By accident, the scared chicken winds up on a worldwide journey when she meets a friend Monica the pigeon, who goes along with her on the crazy ride of exploring.
You won't believe where these two land.
Vatsana wants to share words of encouragement to others, especially children, to go after their dreams. She hopes her books inspire hope, love, acceptance, and laughter.
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